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Matthew 6:9-10
9 In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
He will do exactly this if we will
choose His knowledge, obey His commandments and love Him and His people. Seems simple enough, but when people are asked to
change, to give up their
traditional lifestyle practiced for years, they tend to renege. Yet the fact is, if we would admit it, it is our
present lifestyle that is preventing us from making time to pray, reading the Word, communicating with God's people, and in many instances, our lifestyle causes us to be
rebellious to God's commandments. Man's daily habits, founded by our intellect, often
reflects the nature and person of the adversary so there is no place for
our way of life in God's Kingdom. We must be willing to
sacrifice our agendas and change as the Word of God reveals the Lord's will. When His will clashes with our lifestyle, habits,
mindsets and traditions, all must go if we are to be ones
God will use to establish the Kingdom.
An example of change, it's not always easy to
separate ourselves from worldly friends living in a manner not acceptable to God, but the Word tells us a
little leaven spoils the whole lump. Even jobs that require us to practice unethical methods must be replaced.
Entertainment that we wouldn't share comfortably with God is not acceptable in His Kingdom either. On and on, many, many changes must come about. A big one for most, they will
have to recognize God's feasts rather than the
world's holidays! God's not into
pagan festivities, even if man tries to include Him, so we that want to be a
part of His Kingdom must not
be connected in any way. History will tell us
holidays are really pagan feasts adopted by the church, and twisted into their religious services to
make them suitable for their congregation to celebrate. Suitable for them perhaps, but an
abomination to God, so off limits to Kingdom people.
There will be
great change in the educational system also. The majority of the schools' textbooks are written directly from
man's intellect. Intellect is nothing other than knowledge passed down through the ages, starting with Adam and Eve who were the first to learn from
the Tree of Good and Evil, Satan. Can you see why this current world is wicked,
falling apart at the seams and failing man so badly? In the Kingdom, knowledge will be available always from
the Tree of Life, Christ. His knowledge will restore and renew rather than corrupt and destroy. We all have
access to the mind of Christ even now through scripture, through the prophetic word and the
knowledge that is revealed and released for these end times. Do we avail ourselves to
reprogramming our minds with truth so we can make the proper choices and mature in the things of God? How much time do we spend on the
world's sports, our present
careers, mindless
entertainment, futile
gossiping with not so Godly friends,
listening to music written by questionable psalmists with worldly ideas and morals? Let's be honest.
Whose Kingdom do we really relate to, and in all honesty, want to see established?
You see, our
nature will not change and we will never be
restored to His image if we continue as we are. For instance, above all things, God is a God of love, to be
in His image we must also be loving. This means to fit in His Kingdom we
cannot lie to one another, cheat or try to control and con one another, yet this is everyday conduct for many. It's not a loving nature and certainly not
behavior acceptable in God's Kingdom. Do you realize all the above-mentioned traits are inherent to the world's business arena? It's referred to as being clever, sharp,
shrewd. Not acceptable however in the Kingdom. The fact that the world lies, cheats and steals has no bearing on the child of God. All people are to be treated equally using
Kingdom principles. Much of the world is
immoral, not faithful in any kind of relationship be it personal or business, because they are
selfish and life is all about them. Kingdom people
obey the laws God wrote on their hearts and minds forbidding this kind of behavior, they therefore esteem the needs of others above their own.
To recap the points made, there will be a
one world government, but the one being gathered by Satan today will not be successful.
God's chosen leaders will be established in office. The
banking system will be implemented by them, so the
blessings promised God's people can at last be loosed upon them. Education will be based on the
thoughts of the Tree of Life, the Word of God who became flesh and dwelt among us to make all these changes possible. There will be a one world religion. No denominations,
no false doctrines or lies, no other gods, no icons, no worshipers of
the adversary in any form. One God, one faith, one religion, one family of God will remain as this
world's systems melt under the anger of God. God will
intervene for His people.